Izzy C.
Gateway to Another World
Clay, Glaze
The Walk Through
Canvas, Acrylic
“Gateway to Another World” and “The Walk Through “ are two pieces that work together to tell a story. “Gateway to Another World” Is a clay portal that has a rim of moons and hearts with words carved into the clay some motivating some may be misleading. Words are inscribed in the piece to make the viewers really have to look closely at the work and take it in. The second piece of art is the journey to the” Gateway to Another World”. The canvas painting depicts a person walking towards the Gateway not knowing what is going to be there and maybe not even looking at the warning signs.
The artist chose to take this outlook because in life there's many different paths you can choose to walk, but the question is how do you know which one is the right one to walk? This message is reinforced with bright colors being depicted on the gateway to signify how this might be the right path. The canvas painting has darker colors to show the questioning of the person walking the path.
Selected Works
Everyday on Replay
Home is Happy
Unreal World
Always the Fool